OncoSwim 2024: More than €103,000 raised for triple negative breast cancer research!

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05 / 6 / 2024

Hello everybody!

We have spectacular news from Oncoswim 2024! The 8th edition of our solidarity open water swimming crossing has broken all records. We exceeded 100,000 euros in donations for the first time, reaching the impressive figure of: 103,962€! This amount will be used to research triple negative breast cancer, one of the most aggressive, and will also help cancer patients and their families.

An incredible day!

The 30 km crossing had the participation of 27 teams who swam their hearts out. They swam from Estartit to Calella de Palafrugell, passing through the Medes Islands and the Ant Islands. Brutal! The donations received by the participating teams reached 100,122 euros. In the afternoon, the Solidarity Mile between Llafranc and Calella de Palafrugell brought together nearly 200 participants, adding more funds to the cause to reach a total of €103,962. The money raised will be distributed as follows: 70% for triple negative breast cancer research and 30% for the support services for cancer patients and their families offered by Oncolliga.

Personal improvement, a constant at OncoSwim

The crossing started at 7am in the port of Estartit, with the first swimmers arriving at Port Bo beach in Calella de Palafrugell at 2.45pm. All the teams were accompanied by support boats, Mossos, GEAS and rescuers; making sure everyone was safe. On arrival, Oncolliga volunteers offered refreshments to the brave swimmers.

A party to remember

This year, we closed the event with a party at the Palafrugell Fraternal Center. We handed out badges and diplomas to the participants, and took the official photo with the symbolic checks for the amount raised. We had the presence of the mayor of Palafrugell, Juli Fernández, Dr. Gemma Viñas and the president of Oncolliga Girona, Paqui Badosa; in addition to our team formed by Dani Serra, Gerard Alemany, Albert Borrell and Alex Amorós.

Bravo, Peixets del Golfet!

We want to highlight the Els Peixets del Golfet team, which won almost 46,000 euros! We also appreciate the efforts of the GEiEG-Oncollokis 6.0 and Tornada a la Calma teams, who collected 6,263 and 5,576 euros respectively, and of all the others, who achieved very high collection figures. You are all great!

Together, we made it possible

The 8th edition of this great solidarity challenge has been a great success, and this could not be possible without the involvement of all the swimmers of the #OncoSwim and the #MillaSolidària, volunteers, patrons, staff, supporters and everyone who has been part of and supported us. We have made a great team together in and out of the water and it has been a great pleasure to share this battle against cancer together. We have no words to thank you.

Since 2016, more than 300,000 euros for research

Since the first edition of Oncoswim, we have been committed to triple negative breast cancer research. The funds raised have allowed the TargetsLab research group of the University of Girona and the Catalan Institute of Oncology to study this type of cancer in depth. Thanks to you, we have been able to study tumor stem cells, immune changes during treatment and develop 3D cultures to advance new therapies. Dr. Viñas explained to us that thanks to OncoSwim, they will be able to continue research to find new and better therapeutic targets. Thank you all for making it possible!

You can still help!

The donation platform remains open. Any help, big or small, makes a big difference. Visit our website to make your contribution.

See you on the water next year!
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